Multi-shoot replaceable tips are available in paired row or side band options.
We partner with Leth Iron in Lethbridge, AB to cast our replaceable carbide tips, providing Canadian-made products with superior wear resistance.
All replaceable tips on this page use bolt and nut combo 200-BNC-3100.
Multi-Shoot Considerations
When using multi-shoot replaceable tips, mixing between seed and fertilizer may occur.
4” (102mm) paired row cast chrome tip with carbide insert on the nose for excellent penetration and wear resistance. Carbide inserts on the underside of the wing to maintain a sharp cutting edge.
This Paired Row liquid or granular double shoot tip has no vertical seed/fertilizer separation.
Fits: Bourgault, C-Shank, Case IH, Horsch, Morris
4” (102mm) paired row cast tip with carbide insert on the nose for excellent penetration and wear resistance. These tips have 3/4″ (19mm) vertical drainage trench. Carbide inserts on the underside of the wing to maintain a sharp cutting edge. This paired row liquid or granular double shoot tip has no vertical seed/fertilizer separation.
4” (102mm) paired row cast tip with extra long carbide insert on the nose for excellent penetration and wear resistance. These tips have a 3/4″ (19mm) vertical drainage trench. Carbide inserts on the underside of the wing to maintain a sharp cutting edge. This paired row liquid or granular double shoot tip has no vertical seed/fertilizer separation.
3-1/2” (89mm) paired row cast chrome tip with 3/4” (19mm) vertical separation of liquid, granular, or aqua NH3 fertilizer. Carbide insert on the nose for excellent penetration and wear resistance. Carbide inserts on the underside of the wing maintain a sharp cutting edge. Carbide inserts at the back of the underside of the wings seal the fertilizer trench prior to seed placement.
4” (102mm) paired row cast chrome tip with carbide insert on the nose for excellent penetration and wear resistance. These tips have 3/4”(19mm) vertical separation of granular, liquid, aqua NH3, or aqua NH3 + phos fertilizer. Carbide inserts on the underside of the wing maintain a sharp cutting edge. Carbide inserts at the back of the underside of the wings seal the fertilizer trench prior to seed placement.
610-TIP-4082 has additional carbide below the wings, along the sides of the fertilizer trench, to provide extra-wear life. Not recommended for use on Case IH 800/900 or NH P2070.
610-TIP-4085 for Europe only.
6” (152mm) paired row cast tip with carbide insert on the nose for excellent penetration and wear resistance. These tips have 3/4” (19mm) vertical separation of liquid, granular, aqua NH3, or aqua NH3 + phos fertilizer.
Carbide inserts on the underside of the wing maintain a sharp cutting edge. Carbide inserts at the back of the underside of the wings seal the fertilizer trench prior to seed placement. Additional carbide is placed along the sides of the fertilizer trench, below the wings, to provide extra-wear life.
*Drawings for illustration purposes only. All measurements shown are approximate. Results may vary with multiple factors including soil conditions, ground speed, application rates, fan speeds and more. In less than ideal conditions, mixing between seed and fertilizer may occur. For more information please refer to our precautions and risk factors.
Side band cast chrome tip with carbide inserts on the nose and the underside of the wing for excellent penetration and wear resistance. The seed is placed in a 3/4” (19mm) band onto a firm seedbed. Starter frtilizer is placed to the side onto a slightly lower shelf than the seed.
612-TIP-0211 (left wing)
612-TIP-0212 (right wing)
Fits: Bourgault TriMax™ Triple-Shoot System
Side band cast chrome tip with carbide inserts on the nose and the wing for excellent penetration and wear resistance. The seed is placed in a 3/4” (19mm) band onto a firm, unfractured seedbed. Fertilizer is delivered in a band off to the side (right or left) on the same level as the seedbed.
612-TIP-0711 (left wing) & 612-TIP-0712 (right wing)
Fits: Bourgault, C-Shank, Case IH, Morris, Väderstad Seed Hawk
Side band cast chrome tip with carbide inserts on the nose and the wing for excellent penetration and wear resistance. A carbide wafer on the bottom of the fertilizer trough prevents bottom wear and keeps the fertilizer trench open. The seed is placed in a 1-1/2” (38mm) band 3/4” (19mm) above and to the side of the fertilizer row after the fertilizer trench has been closed by the wing.
614-TIP-2711 (left wing) & 614-TIP-2712 (right wing)
Fits: Bourgault, C-Shank, Case IH, Morris
*Drawings for illustration purposes only. All measurements shown are approximate. Results may vary with multiple factors including soil conditions, ground speed, application rates, fan speeds and more. In less than ideal conditions, mixing between seed and fertilizer may occur. For more information please refer to our precautions and risk factors.